Still Going Strong
Life has been crazy busy this past week, which shows in my lack of blog postings.
That doesn't mean, however, that I've fallen off the 90 Day Challenge. If anything, I'm more diligent in keeping to the challenge -- it's one area of life where I don't have to "think," I just have to "do."
I've continued powering up the exercise with usually one walk in Balboa Park a day (sometimes two) and my step classes. I love both of them. I find step so meditative -- while there I hear only the music and the calls and have to pay attention to that. I'm not distracted by mind chatter. So I call that meditative. Ohm! ;)
I'm a teleseminar addict -- if you spend anytime at all around me every few minutes you'll hear me say, "I just listened to a teleseminar about that and discovered...) -- and that's how I spend my Balboa Park time: learning! And I love it!
Speaking of...the sun is coming out on this beautiful Saturday morning in San Diego. I'm off to the park!