Weight Loss: Accepting Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes
Like David Bowie sings...
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
(Turn and face the strain)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
Releasing weight is a fascinating process, and the last few weeks I've been adjusting the mental visual to the actual visual of what I'm looking like.
A real shocker came a couple of weekends ago when I was visiting Ron & Tara in Vegas. Ron was kind enough to take some new pictures of me for an Internet business I'm launching soon. After a couple of hours smiling for the camera in various poses, he uploaded them and we took a quick look.
And, peering over Ron's shoulder, I was stunned into silence. I was shocked at how much smaller I've become (and, frankly, how blonde I've encouraged Troung to make my hair--but that's another story).
Seeing myself on that screen was a wake-up moment. In my mind, and until then, I had seen myself 40 pounds or so heavier. What I was seeing on screen didn't match that and I actually had a moment of "that's not me."
The whole situation was enough to get my attention, though, and acknowledge that, 1) yes, that is me, 2) I'm looking good (I wish I could have Ron's special hairlight always shining down on me, tho) and 3) get ready for more moments like this as the weight loss continues.
I like the new look -- a lot! And I am indeed looking forward to seeing less and less of myself in pictures to come.
In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of one of my favorites -- don't know if it'll be appropriate for the website, but I love the way I'm exuding confidence. What do you think?