Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weight Loss: Accepting Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes

Like David Bowie sings...

Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through

(Turn and face the strain)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers

Releasing weight is a fascinating process, and the last few weeks I've been adjusting the mental visual to the actual visual of what I'm looking like.

A real shocker came a couple of weekends ago when I was visiting Ron & Tara in Vegas. Ron was kind enough to take some new pictures of me for an Internet business I'm launching soon. After a couple of hours smiling for the camera in various poses, he uploaded them and we took a quick look.

And, peering over Ron's shoulder, I was stunned into silence. I was shocked at how much smaller I've become (and, frankly, how blonde I've encouraged Troung to make my hair--but that's another story).

Seeing myself on that screen was a wake-up moment. In my mind, and until then, I had seen myself 40 pounds or so heavier. What I was seeing on screen didn't match that and I actually had a moment of "that's not me."

The whole situation was enough to get my attention, though, and acknowledge that, 1) yes, that is me, 2) I'm looking good (I wish I could have Ron's special hairlight always shining down on me, tho) and 3) get ready for more moments like this as the weight loss continues.

I like the new look -- a lot! And I am indeed looking forward to seeing less and less of myself in pictures to come.

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of one of my favorites -- don't know if it'll be appropriate for the website, but I love the way I'm exuding confidence. What do you think?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Lowest adult weight : )

I had a good feeling when I got on the scale at Horton Plaza this morning and my smile grew wide when I slid the numbers... 256.5. Yippee!

I'm pausing for reflection because I haven't weighed this little in my adult life since November 1992, when my Dad died. SBS Teresa and I were going gangbusters at the time with our Weight Watchers program and it was just a few days before that she took my picture holding a sign that said "-60." But when Dad died, I distinctly remember eating German chocolate cake everyday for breakfast for that first week--and my weight went uphill from there, rising at an even faster clip when my Mom died 3 months after Dad did.

I would get "back on the wagon" sporadically for the next few years. Doing pretty well until something would throw me for a loop and I'd dive back into the food. One good thing I've always had going for me is that I love exercise, especially walking. I'd take long walks on the country roads near my farmhouse. When I moved to Erie, you'd see me at the Hamot Wellness Center quite a bit taking step classes led by the light beings of Pam and Susan. I also lifted weights and took more longer walks at the Presque Isle. Winter took its toll on my exercise plan, though, and, not understanding my food addiction, my life revolved around fixes of food. I won't list everything here, but, for example, near my State Street apartment was a little restaurant that served chocolate chip pancakes, which I indulged in frequently.

When I moved to San Diego just over 6 years ago, I joined a gym, enjoyed step classes and took walks all year round. Even so, my weight stayed in the 320's--again, because of the food addiction. Calories in, calories out maintained that weight.

So it was just over three years ago, after joining Kathy's program, The Road Less Traveled with Food, that the weight started coming off steadily and now has taken a 14 pound drop with the 90 Day Challenge.

It's a winning weight loss formula for me: 1500 Calories a Day + NAFP + Exercise = Weight Loss. Easy!

What's Coming

As I was just telling SBF Marji, I'm super excited about the new frontiers I'm going to be exploring now.

I've been a student of New Thought for years and believer in the Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret. So I know that I am in the process of creating the reality I wish to see in the coming months as I continue to release weight -- how cool and exciting is that?! Way cool! I think that hesitation about how good that future could be was keeping me from releasing weight in the past. I'm in a different place mentally, spiritually and physically now and am wide-eyed with wonder about it all -- interested to see what good and exciting things are going to be a part of all this.

Stay tuned!