Saturday, July 28, 2007

What's Been Going On

July has treated me quite well!

The 90 Day Challenge still remains part of life, and, although my food tracking has been sporadic [until now : ) ] I've seen more weight loss.

SBF Marji reminded me of a great Rev. Michael Beckwith quote she put in her blog..."The pain will push us until the vision begins to pull us." (Or words to that effect.) During a recent convo, Marji and I were a bit befuddled as we didn't want to dwell in all the "negatives" of being overweight. We kinda left it there and then a day or so later Marji came up with Rev. Michael's gem. Yes!

It's the idea and the vision and the feeling of where I want to go that pulls me along in my weight loss journey. This morning during my meditation (a new element to my 2-week recharge, details also available in Marji's blog) I spent a few minutes visualizing what that would be like, including feeling what that would be like. That's one pulling aspect.

Another is a new way of looking at my weight loss...I'm 11 and 1/2 pounds away of losing 100 pounds from my highest weight ever. That didn't dawn on me until a few weeks ago and it's been a great incentive to keep up with the interval training, the 1500 calories a day plan and the regular walking and step classes. SBS Teresa said it best: "Soon I'll be able to say 'I know someone who's lost 100 pounds--and it's you!' That's the kind of thing that gets a person on the cover of Prevention magazine!" (Or words to that effect.)

Finally, a shout out to SBC Jeanie, "The Fitness Jeanie," who I've written about as being an expert fitness trainer and now can personally proclaim that is indeed the case as she created a super strength training workout plan for me and led me through it for the first time yesterday. You know that "good sore" feeling? That's what I got going on -- and I love it! : ) Thanks again, Jeanie! (If you want your own super strength training workout from The Fitness Jeanie, you can get it -- all online. Check out her site.)

More soon!