Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back to Normal

Again, no problem getting back to my normal routine, which I'm grateful for. Still have to do some grocery shopping (not my favorite activity) because the spinach, egg beaters, frozen fish patties and sweet potatoes have pretty much run out.

To get back on track quickly, I recommitted myself to a good deal of exercise -- yesterday I did 2 hour long walks. That feels good.

Also, the sleep problems that were plaguing me appear to be a thing of the past. Eight hours last night and the night before. I can notice the oh-so-subtle difference, but difference none the less. After getting an average of 5 a night, I was wiped out by the end of the day. Now I have a constant stream of energy going--I'm more alert. And the best thing is that my mind is sharper, and I feel more on top of my game. What great feelings!

Oh, and I weighed myself Monday and am pleased to report that I weigh the same I did two weeks ago -- 258.5. Given the trip to Las Vegas, I consider that a success!


At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job, Donna! Very impressive!...You're ability to get right back into your routine. :)

That's the key--I think--for these times when we relax into life and are not as strict with our program--in regards to portion sizes or even in what we are ingesting.

You now have and are showing us an example of "the power of choice"--and that is something I never had when I was ingesting my trigger foods and not understanding their power.

They were in control and heading me in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go.

This is why I love LHJ&F on TRLTWF (Living Happy, Joyous and Free on The Road Less Traveled with Food) because I understand how it works now-- and can get back on track when I choose to go off it-- for whatever reason. But it sure feels better to me to be on track. :) That's my personal preference--because I do feel more happy, joyous and free and have more clarity, etc.

And "Thank You, God!", that you stayed as close to "on track" as you did in Las Vegas and did not see weight gain. That's awesome! :)

Have a beautiful day! :)

With Love,


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