Saturday, February 03, 2007

Day 13: Weight Moves in Mysterious Ways

This Saturday morning at Horton Plaza wasn't exactly as exhilarating as it was last week.

I weighed the same, 265. Actually, it looks like it's up 1/4 a pound.

This is after a week where I ate a little bit less than last week and exercised more.

What gives?

Who knows -- as Alice, my Weight Watchers leader back in Pa. used to say, "Weight moves in mysterious ways."

In the past I've not been big on regular weigh-ins of myself--I don't own a scale. This time it's different, though, because whatever the scale says, I'm committed to doing the same thing of 1,500 calories or less daily and at least four hours of "sweaty" exercise a week. So whatever the scale says, doesn't really concern me because it doesn't change my actions.

When something I desire doesn't show up on my timeframe, I say that it's "to be revealed." It's created somewhere and is in transit to me now. Maybe in a mysterious way, but definitely in a way!

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At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I eventually stopped weighing during my weight loss period and just did my part and trusted the weight would come down...and it always did.

I'm so happy to hear that your commitment remains the same and this is a great place to practice surrender. With the weight part in God's hands you are freed up to do your best with your food plan and exercise--and trust that Divine Timing is always at work.

What we've spoken of so often comes to mind. Hold fast to your vision and don't let appearances throw you off--you amazing woman, you! :)As you say--it is to be revealed--absolutely!

Love you,

At 7:06 AM, Blogger Marjorie said...

I am a firm believer that we know our bodies better than anyone...but it's still a mystery sometimes. Maybe after the first week your body said "Hey! What's going on here?" and just needs some reassurance that you aren't going to starve it to death. I'm keeping the vision of angels whispering over us "You are getting thinner and healthier...You are getting thinner and healthier...You are getting thinner and healthier."
Bravo for keeping your resolve steadfast!


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