Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Rhyme & Reason of the Challenge

The Rules of the Challenge

• Eat a “sum total” of 1500 calories or less every day. (I should add that none of those calories will come from sugar or wheat, which I’ve eliminated from my food plan for the last 3 years.)
• “Getting’ Sweaty With It” exercise at least 4 hours per week.

The Reasons Behind the Challenge

Although I haven’t eaten sugar or wheat the past several years, and I have lost weight, I’m still quite a ways from my goal weight. My Super Best Leader (SBL) Kathy suggested the challenge so SBF Marji and myself can see what slim feels like.

Sounds good to me!

After going through yet more resistance earlier this week, and discussing it with my SBF, SBL and SBS, I’ve concluded that I’m going to go for 1500 for the first few days. If my energy levels fall, I’m going to 1800 (but no more), as long as I do additional daily exercise to burn at least those additional 300 calories. It’s a bit convoluted (this isn’t a rule you’d be seeing on The Biggest Loser) but it gives me the peace of mind I needed for me to buy into the Challenge 100 percent. And that’s worth it to me.

I also got a big boost of motivation because I weighed myself earlier this week and am at my lowest weight in more than 10 years—271. How great would it be to get to 269 or below to start off the challenge? (My next mile marker after that is below 257, which is what I weighed shortly before my dad died nearly 15 years ago.)

That said, some other thoughts on why I’m all hip to the Challenge now:

• I want to experience noticeable weight loss—and a big leap toward my goal weight of 157.
• I want to increase my already high levels of energy. As Sam once said on The West Wing, "It’s a big world and a short day. You gotta move fast."
• I want to inspire future participants in Kathy’s program—it’s cool being a trendsetter!


At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Donna. :)

So, yes, as you know this program (Living Happy, Joyous and Free on The Road Less Traveled with Food) is to help us stop our overeating or food addiction cycle and live more happy, joyous and free.

Unlike other weight loss programs, I don't emphasize the weight part so much because I know we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and so much more than that. Also, I believe that where we choose to be weight wise is very personal and a sensitive subject to those of us who have struggled with our eating and weight throughout our lives.

We can be happy, joyous and free at any weight--and being a "feeling" person--how we feel is my main concern.

And I have loved being a part of you and Marjorie both experiencing more happiness, joy and freedom--and a greater sense of closeness with your understanding of God-- over the past three years. That's what it's all about.

Meanwhile, periodically, I've thought about how for me, personally, I didn't feel so happy, joyous and free when I was overweight or caught up in my food addiction cycle--and the benefits that have come as a result of me releasing my extra weight have been all that I hoped for and more.

Even though you guys are already living happy, joyous and free :)--I know a part of you started my classes in November of 2003 because you wanted to have the life experience of being more slim as well.

So, when I put forth this challenge idea, I was a little concerned about the message I was giving you around weight--and oh so pleasantly surprised that the parts of you that still do want to at least see what being slim feels like were up for this thing! :)

I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear what happens for you on this journey--on various levels.

And as we emailed back and forth--1800 may be where you end up. Who knows? But I commend your willingness and I am sure you will know what to do, one day at a time.

I am not a supporter of hunger, as you know. I'm not willing to be hungry--so it would be silly for me to expect you to put yourself in that position.

And during my weight loss periods, as long as I:
_Stayed on my NAFP--eliminating sugar, wheat, flour, nutrasweet and alcohol--and eating only whole proteins, fruits, veggies and fats
_Weighed and measured my food and kept within an 1100-1800 range
_Ate small meals including a protein at each one
_And kept up with my exercise...

I did not feel hungry and the excess weight came off.

Donna, I have to tell you--that I cannot wait to see you beaming when you share with us that you have, in fact, moved below that 257 mark! And right up to that 157!

A New Day Has Come! :)

And you will inspire soo many!

Thank you!


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