Monday, January 29, 2007

Miss USA Tara Conner 'Gets' Addiction Recovery

Matt Lauer reported on The Today Show this morning that Tara Conner, the beleaguered partier Miss USA who nearly caused Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell come to blows, is out of rehab for alcoholism.

Before, I really didn't care one way or the other if she kept her crown or celebrity status or whatever, but after hearing her on The Today Show, I'm drawn to her corner. She is indicating that rehab for alcohol addiction has changed her life, saying, "Before I felt like I was floating, and I was looking for someone to pull me down."

I know exactly what she means. Before finding "The Road Less Traveled With Food," I described myself as being in a "fog." The thing is, we can be suffering so in that fog, and trying to find our way, not knowing that there is a solution, but looking aimlessly for something to pull us down.

I found my solution a little over three years ago by literally putting it out to the Universe through my prayer partners. I was probably around 320 or so at that point, had gotten another big part of my life back on track and had the feeling "it's time" to do something about the weight.

A few days after and I welcomed Kathy Bowes and her program into my life.

After a few months of education and then 28 days of being "clean" of sugar, wheat and aspartame, the fog I was in, the fog I was fighting, the fog I didn't even know was holding me back from living a life more in tune with Spirit, lifted! Ahhhhh! I felt--and feel-- so good! And I didn't know I could feel so good just by abstaining from those substances!

Tara Conner seems to have that same glow and feeling. I think she "gets it." That's so cool, don't you think?


At 8:01 AM, Blogger Marjorie said...

I think we should rewrite the song...
"I can see clearly now the fog is goooone. I can push past obstacles in my waaaaaay."

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it is so cool, Donna. And I love how you are pulling this all together.

Addiction is addiction and when we are in it--bottom line--we are wanting to feel good and unknowingly ingesting things (or doing things)that actually stop us from feeling as good as we can, naturally.

I am so happy for Tara and I pray she continues to "get" it--so that she too can live more happy, joyous and free.

Keep glowing!

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.


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